By using InvestNaija website with your browser settings adjusted to accept cookies you consent to our use of cookies and other tools to provide the products and services available on those sites. If you would like to modify your browser to notify you when you receive a new cookie or to disable cookies altogether, please refer to Managing Cookies below.

Cookies and how we use them

Cookies are small text files that may be placed on your Web browser when you visit our Web sites or when you view advertisements we have placed on other Web sites. Cookies allow your browser to remember some specific information which the Web server can later retrieve and use. When you quit your browser, some cookies are stored in your computer’s memory, while some expire or disappear.

Cookies are used primarily for administrative purposes, to improve your experience with our Web sites. Examples of this would include the use of cookies:

• To improve site security by “authenticating” you (i.e., verify that you are who you say you are) when you sign-in to our site.
• To keep track of your specified preferences such as language, time zone and timeouts after periods of inactivity.
• To allow you to navigate our sites more easily by “remembering” your identity so that you do not have to input your password multiple times as you move between pages or services.

In addition to administrative uses, we may also use cookies in one or more of the following ways, depending on the Web site you are using:

• To conduct research and analytics to improve our Web sites and our products and services. This includes compiling statistical information concerning, among other things, the frequency of your use of our Web sites, the pages visited and the length of each visit.
• To display InvestNaija advertisements when you visit Web sites of third parties with whom we have marketing relationships and to help us gauge the effectiveness of our advertising efforts. These parties may gather information concerning your use of other Web sites and provide us with de-identified information about you (such as demographic information or the names of sites where you have been shown ads) which we may use to provide you with more relevant and useful advertising.

This paragraph applies only to the web site. That site may use third parties to serve advertisements as described immediately above. To do so, these parties may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags) to gather information concerning your use of our that site and other Web sites and, based on that information, serve advertisements that may be of interest to you.

For more information on how we collect and use information that is identifiable to you, please refer to our Privacy Policy.